Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sneaky Sneaky

I can't leave Nathan alone for more than 5 minutes or he will climb on the counter and do whatever he pleases.

This, for example:

When I caught him, he said "I just wanted bread." (Never mind that he had already had 2 pieces of toast for breakfast)

And this day he kept asking for "bread with butter" and I continually told him no since he had just had breakfast. When I came back into the room, he had climbed up on the counter with his trusty laundry hamper, gotten his own piece of bread, buttered it, gotten the peanut butter out of the cupboard and was trying to open it so he could put some on his bread. He was as happy as a clam.

I wish Ellie never would have shown him how to push a chair up to the counter to get what he wants... I guess I better be on my toes! 

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