Yesterday we went to "Ag Days" at the college, which is a free activity the agricultural department puts on to teach about farming and cows and stuff. It turned out to be so fun!
This little man just hung out in the stroller looking handsome.

I tried to get a picture of the kids by the tractor wheel, but none of them were going to have that...
Ellie and Nathan enjoyed looking at the cows and horses.
And they thought sitting on the tractors was pretty cool!
Although Nathan was a little worried about how high up he was.
The kids both really liked milking the fake cow. I kept telling Ellie that she was milking a cow, and she kept saying "It's water though, right Mom?"
After they "milked" for awhile, we went and did some other activities. When we came back around to this cow, Ellie said, "Mom, can I go do the pee again?" Ummm...
There were lots of treats: ice cream, pancakes, homemade French fries, bread and honey (bonus that Uncle Joe was giving out the bread!), and TONS of candy, but the kids' favorite treat by far was the otter pops. Even Jonah sucked his completely dry.
It must have been a successful day because all three of the kids fell asleep on the way home! We will definitely be going back next year!
What a fun activity!