It's officially summer time here in Rexburg, and we are all SO HAPPY! I have never appreciated being warm more than I have since moving to Rexburg and living through such long, cold winters.
Ellie and Nathan finished school the last week of May. They learned so much this year - I am so proud of them!
I also can't believe how much they both grew!
First Day of Preschool 2017:

(I had forgotten how ridiculously blurry these first day of school pictures are. Wow!)
Last Day of Preschool 2017:
Nathan got himself all dressed, even down to his socks. I couldn't argue with the church socks and shoes on the wrong feet since he was so proud!
This year Nathan has learned to write his name, (all capital letters for now) reviewed letter names and sounds, and learned basic math using his fingers. He LOVES to cut paper, and we have had to institute a "don't cut any paper without asking first" rule because we have had a couple of close calls with Sam's important work papers, etc.
This happy guy has made new friends and grown quite a bit socially this year. When he started school he was a little shy, and he still can be at times, but he has learned how to talk to children and adults more effectively. It sure has been fun to watch him grow!
First Day of Kindergarten 2017:

Last Day of Kindergarten 2017:
Ellie grew a ton in height this year! The pants she had to roll up in the first picture barely fit her now.
Her last day of school was Field Day, and she was beyond excited. They had races, face painting, and track and field events topped off with her mom and brothers getting to join her for a picnic lunch. She was quite proud that she got third place in the discus throw. Oh man, I wish I had been there to see all of the adorable little kindergarteners throwing the discus! I bet that was quite the sight!
It will be impossible to list all of the things Ellie has learned this year since she has learned so much, but I will try to catch the highlights. She has learned to write her full name this year - (Ellie Rose Brubaker) she only knew how to write "Ellie" when she started kindergarten. She has learned to read, write and sound out words and sentences to spell. She has learned addition and subtraction, reviewed shapes, created lots of art, and her favorite - watched her class caterpillars turn to butterflies.
I had the chance to volunteer in her class twice a month, and it was fun to observe her with her friends and teachers, as well as get to know all of the kids she tells me about.
She has always been a social butterfly, and I think she has learned a little bit this year about when it is appropriate to talk and when it is not, though I think that will be a lifelong lesson for my talkative little girl.
I am so proud of Ellie for learning this school year that she can do hard things, even when she doesn't want to. That is a lesson Sam and I are working really hard to teach our kids, so I am grateful for every teaching opportunity that comes along.
And now, I can't wait to enjoy summer with the four kiddos I have before number 5 arrives in August!
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