Monday, March 10, 2014

Throwing Throw-up

We had a rather hilarious drive to daycare/school/work this morning. We were running a little late, so the kids and I were eating in the car. I got in the car and immediately spilled milk from my cereal on myself. Sweet. Then, as we were driving along, Ellie started to choke/gag on her string cheese. While he was driving, Sam reached back and helped her. She got it under control and that was that. Not even a minute later, Nathan started to choke, too. We couldn't stop because of where we were on the road, but Sam again reached back and tried to help him. He kept gagging and I couldn't really get to him because I had a full bowl of cereal and milk that would spill if I set it down, and my arms aren't long enough to reach him if I'm buckled. We turned the corner a second later and Sam stopped the car so he could help him. He reached into his mouth to grab the food, which made Nathan gag even more. He finally threw up in Sam's hand. The only thing we had to clean up with was a tissue from my pocket, so Sam wiped Nathan up the best he could and we started driving again - throw up still in Sam's hand. For lack of something else to do, he rolled down the window and threw the throw-up out.

And just as that whole situation took place, guess who passed us? Well, none other than the lady I visit teach that saw Ellie fall in the street and all of that. She probably thinks we're crazy!

It was definitely one of those moments that I never would have imagined before I was a parent. We couldn't stop laughing. It was good to get a little humor into our morning. And we are definitely glad that our kids are ok.


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