Sunday, May 25, 2014


The older two kids have gotten more used to having Jonah around - they don't want to smother him 24/7 anymore - but Ellie still loves to sit down next to him and ask to have their picture taken. She will put her arm around him and give a cheesy smile. I love the relationships I see my kids developing with each other, and I hope that they stay strong as they get older... Though they do fight quite often! :)

Summer is finally here to stay (well... As much as it will "stay" in Rexburg...) so we have been spending lots of time outside. This chubby little man likes to lay on the blanket and look around at the park. It is so fun to watch him take in everything new in the world.

I just love summer in Rexburg. There is such an excitement throughout the city since it is finally warm, and everyone spends as much time as possible outside.

I just read this through and realized that it doesn't flow or make any sense.... Oh well... It's just what's on my mind tonight.  I'm not even going to try to go back and fix it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Always so glad to read your blog and see what is going on with your darling family. Can't get enough of the pictures. Jonah is looking so much older already and not even two months! So cute!


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