Thursday, April 16, 2015

Shopping According to "Kid Time"

     Lately I have been a little impatient in my parenting - especially when I am in "go-mode." I usually get into "go-mode" when I am trying to get the kids out the door to run an errand, or when I have lots to get done around the house. To get away from that a little bit I decided that I would go according to the kids' time, rather than mine, when we went on our grocery run today. We didn't have anywhere to go after the grocery store, so I let the kids look at whatever they wanted, and I didn't hurry them along from thing to thing. And you know what? It was kind of fun!

     They stopped at EVERYTHING. Seriously, everything. They had to take something from a tray full of tortilla samples, they stopped to look at each fruit and vegetable, they asked for everything at eye level "for my birthday", they turned and turned and TURNED the make-up display, and of course they stopped to play with every toy they could find. I was surprised at how much they enjoyed it - and how much I enjoyed it. The trip wasn't full of me nagging them to stay by me, I just had to say "the train is leaving, you don't want to be left behind!" and they would hop on. And wouldn't you know it, we got everything we needed.

I think I may be trying this approach more often!


  1. You are a great Mom even to think of doing that. They are so cute!!

  2. So cute!! LOVE them!!


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