Friday, June 5, 2015

Baby Brubaker #4

Well, there is a reason my blog posts have been few and far between lately:

     We are expecting baby number 4, and we couldn't be more excited! I have been incredibly sick so blogging is not on the top of my list of things that need to be done. In fact, anything that has been done has been done by Sam. He's seriously a super hero. I don't know how he does it. He wakes up at 5:30 to exercise and then he takes care of the kids while he lets me sleep in, he works all day long, then comes home and makes dinner, takes care of the kids, puts them to bed, and cleans. And he does it all with a positive attitude while I sit around trying to keep the contents of my stomach in my stomach. He really is amazing. I'm so grateful for how understanding and helpful he is. 

     I am 10 weeks pregnant today, so I have about 3 weeks left of feeling sick, then I will be back to my normal self. I can't wait!

     The kids are really excited about the baby as well, especially Ellie. She is absolutely convinced that she is going to have a sister, but with the Brubaker odds, we will have to see. She loves to look at the ultrasound pictures and tell me about what each part of the baby's body is. Her latest comment is "She is a girl, but she has short hair because she is a baby." (Already referring to the baby as "she..." I hope her hopes aren't dashed at the gender ultrasound!) She has been asking a lot of questions about where the baby is in my tummy, so I taught her about how there is a special place in my tummy called a uterus that keeps the baby safe and warm until it is big enough to come out. I think she got "uterus" mixed up with "cocoon" because she said to me yesterday, "Mom, the baby is safe in your tummy because it is in your raccoon." Sam and I had a good laugh about that one, but I'm sure it made sense in her little mind because cocoons and uteruses have similar functions I guess. She also loves to come up and "kiss the baby," ask "where are the baby's hands?" then put her hand on my tummy, and ask if the baby is hungry, thirsty, or sleeping. As I was eating this morning she asked me why I was eating so slowly, then before I could answer she said, "Oh! It's so the baby won't choke!" Of course that led into a conversation about the umbilical cord and how the baby gets its food from my blood. She thought that was pretty cool. It's really fun that she is old enough to understand pregnancy at least a little bit.

     Sam came the the first ultrasound with me, and we both said how we couldn't believe that even though we have seen 3 other babies on ultrasound, the joy and love we felt with seeing number 4 is the same as with the other babies. We are really excited to be adding another little member to our family, and we can't wait to see if he/she will be born this year or next!


  1. Love it, love you! Hang in there, it will get better! (this is tami, not adam)

  2. Love it, love you! Hang in there, it will get better! (this is tami, not adam)


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