Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Big Sister's Magic

Nathan has recently decided that he doesn't want to eat baby food anymore, which has been fine because we are just keeping all of the leftover jars in a cupboard in anticipation of the next little boy. But the other day he needed bananas (if you know what I mean.....) and we didn't have any left. So that morning Sam had tried to feed him a jar of bananas out of the jar, and he was completely offended. He wouldn't have it.

Later that afternoon, though, Ellie insisted on feeding him the rest of the jar. I gave her a spoon and the jar thinking he would have the same reaction, but I was surprised to see this:

He ate half of the jar from Ellie. I guess he just needed his big sister to help him.

I love the relationship these two are developing. I hope they can always be friends.

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