Thursday, January 22, 2015

Playing in the Snow With Daddy

Sam is much better than me about taking the kids out to play in the snow. I don't like the cold and the process of getting the kids into their snow clothes is crazy. But Sam convinced me to get out there with them this past weekend.

There was snow eating,

snow angel making, 

snowball throwing, 

and cuteness.

Lots of cuteness.

Oh, and don't forget the snot-cicles!


  1. So cute!! Is that you house in the background? It is so cute!!! I love the photo of Ellie winding up to throw her snowball. Pitcher? :) I am glad that you braved the cold to have fun with you your sweeties.

  2. Boy, I'll say, lots of cuteness!!! Even big cuties

  3. I've almost completely forgotten about snot cicles.


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