Monday, November 4, 2013

A Girl Loves Her Dad

I can't even begin to say how much Ellie loves her dad. I think she has more of his personality than mine. She is social, fun-loving, tender-hearted, silly, and HAPPY. 

She is getting better about it, but she used to ask about him all day when he was at work. Sam has been putting together cabinets at our storage unit pretty much every day for the past few weeks, (that's for a post coming soon) and the only time he has had to go has been after work. Last week he had been gone all day and we ate dinner without him. After dinner Ellie looks up at me from playing with her toys and says "I miss daddy."

She just adores him. He is much more fun than mom - he is the one to play crazy with her.

(We joke that Ellie wakes up like Sam - wide awake, happy, and ready to go - and Nathan wakes up like me - groggy, grumpy, and ready to eat. This picture shows that a little bit.)

Every day when Sam is getting ready for work, he let's Ellie "help" him by pulling his tie to finish tying it. She takes that job quite seriously. This morning Ellie got her own tie, and Sam put it on her. She thought it was great. Well, until she pulled the knot too tight. :)

I'm so glad that my kids have such a wonderful dad! And he's a pretty dang great husband, too. :)


  1. You all both very lucky to have each other. What a great family!

  2. My kids had a much more fun Dad than Mom! It was so nice for me that when he came home they wanted HIM and I could get a breather! At night they almost always called for Dad! I think Mom was grumpy in the middle of the night...


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