Monday, April 28, 2014

Playing in the Rain

I loved to play in the rain when I was growing up. A few days after I started the summer session of college here in Rexburg, there was a rainstorm. I wanted to go stand in the rain because I love it so much, but to my surprise, it wasn't warm rain like I was used to during monsoon season in Mesa - it was cold, even in the middle of July! I haven't really wanted to have anything to do with getting wet in a rainstorm since then.

It's been really rainy for the last week or so, and since it was cold outside, I hadn't really wanted to go out in it. But I hadn't considered that my kids would love it! Last week Ellie kept asking to go outside, and I would tell her no since it was raining. But one day she asked me and I finally asked her if she wanted to go play in the rain. She said yes, and both of the kids darted out there. Ellie didn't venture beyond the steps, and she came in after a few minutes complaining that she was wet and cold, (She's like me that way...) but Nathan just stood out there with his hand under the stream of water coming off of the roof for forever. I don't know how long he would have stood out there if I would have let him, but I made him come in and get dry clothes on after about 30 minutes.

I need to remember that my kids have Idaho blood, and they don't get cold as easily as I do sometimes! They need to have the chance to play in the rain, too!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they have some of their Grandpa Tucker in them!


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