Saturday, September 20, 2014

Planes, Puke and Peaches.

Jonah and I are currently in Arizona for the weekend to see my brother Ben before he leaves for his mission in a few weeks. It's been fun to be by myself with Jonah - to be able to focus my full attention on him. Our flight out of Idaho Falls was delayed, so we got to spend a little extra time in the airport.

Jonah got to play on the floor (it's pretty hard to keep him on his blanket since he crawls and rolls like crazy) and take a nap in the carrier.

He was totally good on the plane, which was a huge relief. He was exhausted by the time we got to my parents' house, so I changed him into his jammies and was going to feed him. He refused his cereal, which was unusual for him, but I chalked it up to him being too tired and decided to nurse him and put him to bed. After I nursed him I put him up to my shoulder and he threw up. A TON. I guess guzzling two bottles down in the airport wasn't the best for his stomach... At least he felt a whole lot better after it all came up. 

I couldn't believe how much he threw up. It was all over the chair I was sitting on, he was completely soaked, and it was all over me. On (and down) my shirt front and back, and the same with my pants. No wonder he didn't really want to eat. Poor guy!

After a good night's sleep, little man's belly was ready to try something new. He got to try one of the peaches my mom and I were canning.

I think it's safe to say he liked them - he was smiles the entire time. I sure love my little guy.

And I miss my other two (well... and Sam of course!)

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