Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ellie's First Tooth

Ellie lost her first tooth last week! It had been extremely loose for a few weeks, and every day she would have me wiggle it, but she wasn't in a hurry to get it out. On Friday morning she had me wiggle it again, and I heard it crack. At that point I told her it was so loose it might fall out when she ate and she would accidentally swallow it, so she had me pull it. She kept saying, "It didn't even hurt! It just stung a little!"

She is so proud of the little gap in her mouth, and she keeps showing it to everyone who will listen. 

It's funny how as a mom every little milestone makes me happy, but at the same time makes me feel nostalgic and a little sad that my kids are growing up. This is one of those milestones. I can't believe that my very first kid is losing one of the first teeth she ever got as my teeny baby girl. There is no way she will be 6 in a few short weeks! 

I love this girl and I am so proud of the big girl she is becoming. I am so grateful to be able to watch her grow up.

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