Friday, August 8, 2014

My Path to Motherhood: Nathan

*** We went to breakfast while we were in California, just as our little family. 

     The first thing the waiter said when he saw us was, "Wow, you guys haven't wasted any time!" Then, pointing to each kid, "Bam, bam, bam!"

     Because of comments from some people and stares from others, I thought it would be fun to take the time to share the story of how we decided to have each of our kids, starting with our first little blessing, Ellie. In sharing each of these stories, I hope to share my belief that when to have children and how many to have is a personal decision between a husband, wife, and the Lord. I have a very real testimony that the Lord does have a unique plan for each of His children, and often the Lord's plan for us is not what we may have imagined. And, most likely, His plan for you is not the same as His plan for me. And that's ok. ***


     When Ellie was about 6 months old, I started getting baby hungry again. I know it seems silly because I already had a baby, but if you've ever had the feeling, you know what I mean - you can't really explain it. One day as I was praying, I asked the Lord to help me stop feeling that way until He wanted us to have another baby. When I got up off of my knees, the feeling was gone - I was no longer baby hungry.

     I enjoyed being a mom to my little girl, and I started my second semester of nursing school in January without a single thought of another baby.

     As I got dressed one day at the beginning of February, the thought came to my mind, "I would like to have another baby." The thought took me by surprise because I had been so content with my life the way it was - and, honestly, my time was consumed with school work, clinicals, classes, and taking care of Ellie. So I decided to kneel down and ask the Lord if this was my answer. Was it time for us to invite another member to our family, or was I crazy? I had an overwhelming feeling that yes, this was my answer.

     I brought up the whole experience to Sam, who wasn't exactly sold on the idea. We were both set to graduate in December, (him with his Bachelors and me with my Associates) so he thought we should at least wait to try until the baby's due date would be after my graduation date. However, I felt strongly that we had received an answer, and we needed to follow the Lord's timing. Besides, it would probably take a while for me to get pregnant anyway.

     Well, at the beginning of March I got a positive result on the pregnancy test. The baby would be due a week before my graduation date. We were very excited and a little nervous, but above all we knew that we were following the Lord's plan for us.

     In July of 2012, Sam was offered a job as a Business Analyst at BYU-Idaho. We decided to accept the offer, which was a great blessing to our family, however there was one little issue: Sam wouldn't graduate until December, while he agreed to begin working full-time starting in September. So for those three months, he would be working 40 hours a week as well as tackling a full class load. (Did I mention what a hardworking man my husband is? He's amazing.) Oh, and we had a baby due in November. We had a bit of a crazy semester ahead of us!

     The semester was busy, but it was full of tender mercies for our family. I was blessed with a very understanding clinical instructor who helped me arrange my schedule to complete all of my hospital rotations before the baby was due and Sam was assigned to groups of students in his classes who catered to his busy schedule for study sessions and working on group projects.

     In November our sweet little Nathaniel was born via emergency c-section.

     Sam and I finished out the last two weeks of the semester - taking tests, giving presentations, and me preparing for the NCLEX. I look back on those two weeks and wonder how we did it, and I know the Lord strengthened us because we were doing His will. We could not have done it alone.

     Again, I testify of the blessing of the Lord's timing in sending Nathan to our family. Logically, it did not make sense to bring another baby into our family when we did - but the Lord knows more than we know. He loves us and wants the best for each of us. Sometimes it takes a little leap of faith to do what He asks, (and sometimes a big leap) but I know that when we follow His will, he will help us accomplish it, though that does not mean it will be easy.

     I am so grateful for this little blonde, blue-eyed boy, and the timing in which the Lord chose to send him to us. And I think Ellie would agree (on most days) that she loves having a little brother as her best friend.


  1. Can't think of any two better parents to welcome this sweet little boy. He is so darling!

  2. I love these Heidi! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing! (also just wait for the comments you get when you're expecting number five!) - Brenda

  3. I love these posts about your stinking cute kids. You and Sam are such amazing parents!


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