Friday, June 21, 2013

A Kind Word

     This morning I woke up exhausted, grumpy, and kinda tired of being the mom. I loaded the kids in the car and dropped Sam off at work, then headed to the store to pick up a few things. When we got there Nathan was screaming. I put Nathan is his front carrier, grabbed my purse and list, and sat  Ellie in the cart. Then she started screaming because I accidentally bonked her knee on the cart. We went through the store and picked up the things we needed. I even gave in to Ellie's requests to carry a pool noodle around the store because I didn't feel like dealing with her response if I were to tell her no. When we got to the checkout line, I was so happy we were almost done. The cashier rang everything up, and I went to pay - my debit card wasn't in my wallet. I apologized, and ran out to the car with my 2 crying kids in tow, and rummaged through the car, only to realize that the check book had been in my purse the entire time. Awesome. So I ran back into the store and stood in line. Ellie begged and begged and begged and begged for candy, then started screaming when I told her she couldn't have it. We finally got back up to the cashier where I loaded our stuff into the cart, (both kids screaming by now) and since I was paying with a check, it took a long time (I had to fill it out, she had to see my I.D., she needed a phone number, I had to sign the keypad, etc.). And since it was early, that was the only register open in the whole store. So people started piling up behind me, and they were getting grumpy because I was taking so long and making so much noise. We were finally done. We walked out to the car, I stuck the crying kids in their carseats, and was putting the groceries away when a lady got out of the car next to me and said, "You do great with your two little ones." I said thank you, and she walked away, and that was that.

     This quote by Spencer W. Kimball popped into my mind: “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." It sounds silly, but today I just needed to hear that I was doing ok at being the mom. I'm not perfect, and my kids scream, and I get grumpy, but I'm doing alright. And my kids still love me. But most importantly, my Heavenly Father loves me. And He shows me every day.



  1. Heidi, You are a fantastic mom!! You are so patient and kind in all your dealings with your kids. I wish that I could be more like you with my kids. I am so glad that that woman told you what the rest of us already knew. You are GREAT with your kids!!

  2. So glad you received that small blessing from our Heavenly Father. Amen to Alisa's comment.

  3. I'm sorry you had a hard day! And I'm grateful you were able to see that blessing. :)


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