Sam got me a sewing machine for my birthday last year, and I haven't used it a ton yet... But last week I just got an itch to sew! I looked around to see what fabric I had: some denim scraps from making shorts for myself a little while ago, and some flannel from a baby blanket I made for a friend. So my thought process went something like this:
Ok, great. A bunch of small scraps of fabric. What can I make with that? Oh! I know! Beanbags! They are going to be so cute, just like the ones my aunt made for my sister with each letter of her name on a beanbag! (Never mind that her name is "Eve," not "Nathaniel." That's a lot of beanbags, people.)
It was another one of those situations where I had a grand idea in my head, but the finished product wasn't quite as amazing as I had hoped. Let's just say there is a reason the pictures are taken from far away! :)
First I cut out letters, then zig-zag stitched the letters onto the denim, and stitched three of the sides together and left the top open. I decided that these beanbags needed to be water proof (or at least slobber proof) and made beanbags out of plastic sandwich bags that were just a little smaller than the fabric beanbags. Does that make sense? I should have taken pictures. Hmmm... Too late now. :)
Anyway, I put those plastic beanbags inside the fabric ones, and stitched the tops closed. And now we have 10 beanbags floating around our house, usually seen being thrown through the air or sucked on.
I'm telling you, there really is a reason the picture is taken from far away. It's not an easy task to cut out and sew all those letters. Especially the "A's". Whew. But they're done! Yay!
A close-up of the front.
And the back. I love that animal fabric, I think it's adorable.
When these were finished I set them out on the ground for Ellie and Nathan to play with, and Ellie started telling me what letters were on them. She's a smart little cookie! I'm glad they like them. I'm also glad that I could use what I had around the house to indulge my need to sew!
And of course I'm going to have to include a few pictures of Mr. Man. Because he's cute, that's why.
This picture cracks me up. We were heading out the door, and I had to run and grab something out of our bedroom. I came back, and this is what I saw. Apparently little brothers make great canvases.
Swimming in the backyard yesterday. He LOVED the water. I thought it would be too cold for him, but no way! He probably would have stayed in all day if I would have let him!
Speaking of Nathan, I can hear him waking up. Adios!