Tuesday, July 1, 2014

While Daddy's Away: Day 2

The day started with Nathan sleeping in later than usual. I listened at the door every once in awhile, and when he finally woke up, he was covered in poop.... Awesome. It must be a rite of passage for moms.

A bath and a scrubbed playpen later, and we had a happy little boy.

Then we went to the library. We thought it would be fun for the kids, but Ellie and Nathan basically threw fits the entire time. It was strange. Those poor kiddos. They're still getting used to having their daddy gone.

After naps, Ellie and Evie read stories with Grandma...

They looked at scrapbooks and refused to look at the camera.

Evie loves Jonah. She is always asking me to hold him. And Jonah found his hands today. He has gagged himself several times today already.

Nathan felt better after his nap (compared to the fits at the library) and he actually ventured off to play by himself. That's the first time he's done that since we have been here. I'm glad he is getting more adjusted to his surroundings!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Mama is having a hard time, too. Sorry it has to be for so long. LOVE


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